Mäter ni Delta BT?


Well-known member
Hur mycket om ljusrost, eller det Rao ibland kallar nordic roast tar boken upp? I föregångaren ägnar han max en halv sida åt ämnet.


Active member
Ja mer än en halv sida skriver han inte i Best Practises heller :LOL: (Vad gäller Nordic roasts, alltså.) Han gör en intressant anmärkning om sin erfarenhet med dem, men förtäljer inga riktlinjer eller ståndpunkter. Överlag tycks det som lärs ut i boken vara applicerbart på samtliga rostningsgrader.


Well-known member
Har brottats ett tag med mina Sidamo, inte fått till den smak av bland annat blommighet jag vet borde finnas där. På Sweet Marias hemsida hittade jag vad som kan vara orsaken, vilket bekräftas av mina kurvor, Delta-BT störtdyker under K1.

Från Sweet Maria:

The secret to bringing out the best of Ethiopian coffee is not just in roasting them lighter. The key really lies in the controlled velocity in 1st crackAn audible popping sound heard during roasting. In coffee, one refers to "first crack" and "second crack," which come from two different classes of chemical reactions.: An audible popping sound heard during roasting. In coffee, More. The 1st crack in these coffees can start slow and then just keep trickling along without ever seeming to reach a defined conclusion. Allowing this to happen can result in some really muddled flavors in the cup or even just a lack of definition in the citrus notes and otherwise. While you don’t want to dry out the coffee too quickly in the beginning stages, it’s a good idea to make sure there’s a little extra energy at least when you’re going into first crackFirst crack in one of two distinct heat-induced pyrolytic reactions in coffee. It is distinguished by a cracking or popping sound in the coffee, and occurs between 390 and 410 degrees Fahrenheit in most coffee More.

Giving the roast a boost right before getting into the crack and making sure that there’s a nice rolling vigorous crack is what you’re aiming for. Don’t push right on through; once there’s a nice rolling crack you’ll want to pull back on that energy or adjust the air (depending on your roaster) in order to make sure you don’t get too short of a crack. You’re looking for somewhere in the neighborhood of a good minute and a half to 1:45, and you want a clear endpoint to the crack as well without too many straggler pops.

Idag höjde jag effekten rejält innan K1 och undvek dykningen, skulle däremot dragit ner effekten efter 30 sek till en minut. Provsmakning imorgon.


Well-known member
Frågade hur viktig Roast Rebels tycker att en jämnt avtagande delta-BT är.

Hi. Take it as a rough guideline with the declining RoR, but it's by far not as important as most people claim. Focus on the right beans, the right roast degree / colour and on consistency in the roast and preventing roasting errors (baking, scorching) and you will be happy.

Min egna uppfattning är att en krasch inför k1 är värre än en stegring under k1, men detta bygger på endast enstaka rostningar, behöver göra mer systematiska jämförelser.
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