Hello everybody. I would like some tips about roasters fot home use. I would like to avoid importing a roaster due to tax and import duties as well as service if it needed. I am currently having a consumption about 1,5 to 2 kg per month. I enjoy drinking Scandinavian /light roasted coffee. I am considered regarding the longevity of the machine, as well, as I have read a lot about some roasters. I have a budget at 30000 kr. I have checked roast rebels they have some discounts on hottop 2k and 2k+ though they have a price difference of 700 euros, but not sure if it worth it. I like the higher capacity that the have comparing to the kaffelogic/Nucleus. Nucleus Link and kaffelogic nano 7 is another option, but I would need some help if these two are better option than the hottop. Or if you have anything else to recommend!