Vad händer om vi dör?


Well-known member
Tror du på himmel och helvete? I vilket fall som helst finns ett mycket utstuderat och empiriskt test att ta om man vill veta vilken nivå av helvetet man hamnar i om man dör.

Själv kommer jag att brinna i helvetets 6:e nivå i all evighet :S

Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis

You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.

Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Very High
Level 5 | High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Extreme
Level 7 | High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus | Very High

Hur går det för dig?
--> Ta Dante's Inferno testet


Well-known member
Då är vi två där, så vi kan lägga ihop till en bra kaffemaskin att trösta oss med!


Well-known member
Tusan heller! Jag ska begravas med min maskin så jag får den med mig när jag dör!

Men ta testet nu så ni vet vad som händer efter döden :cool:


Well-known member
Verkar finnas nån koppling mellan kaffetörst och att hamna på sjätte våningen? Vore ju h-vete om det bara serverades te där...


Well-known member

Inga miljöfarliga saker får förekomma i kistan. Peacemakern plockas ur och golfklubban. Maskinen utgör en risk i ugnen. Bara så ni vet.


Well-known member
"Sixth Level of Hell" :)

Level 7

Guarded by the Minotaur, who snarls in fury, and encircled within the river Phlegethon, filled with boiling blood, is the Seventh Level of Hell. The violent, the assasins, the tyrants, and the war-mongers lament their pitiless mischiefs in the river, while centaurs armed with bows and arrows shoot those who try to escape their punishment. The stench here is overpowering. This level is also home to the wood of the suicides- stunted and gnarled trees with twisting branches and poisoned fruit. At the time of final judgement, their bodies will hang from their branches. In those branches the Harpies, foul birdlike creatures with human faces, make their nests. Beyond the wood is scorching sand where those who committed violence against God and nature are showered with flakes of fire that rain down against their naked bodies. Blasphemers and sodomites writhe in pain, their tongues more loosed to lamentation, and out of their eyes gushes forth their woe. Usurers, who followed neither nature nor art, also share company in the Seventh Level.

Länk till alla nivåerna


Well-known member
Fourth Level of Hell

En till där. Trots jag inte tror på himmel och helvete (jag är otrodox, dvs en övertygad tvivlare).

Jag tror inte på det jag inte kan tafsa. Jag tror - till exempel - inte på Tiffany Taylor. :nowink:


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